April 02, 2013

B- Boarding Situation

B is for boarding situation.

I’m NOT unhappy about the boarding situation where I am at, the main issue is that it's further away than I wish. Sure there are things that could be different or improved but there is no perfect location unless you make it yourself in your own backyard and even then it’s a work in progress as time and money restricts a property owners ultimate vision.  The biggest thing is I wish Dani was closer to where I live.
Several long time boarders have left the barn and I’m told by them it was because of many changes to include a trainer coming here with their horses and many clients. The barn has maxed out on capacity from what I’m told. Some days certainly are busier than others but at least now that it’s warming up all the arenas will be available for use. During the dark days of winter the indoor arena could be packed and I’ve complained on here that I had issues avoiding getting in the way when I’m just trying to ride in a little circle by myself in one little section of the ring.

Other things that I think I have noted on here is the “cleaning up after yourself” issue. Many times I come to find the wash rack completely trashed with bins of half eaten horse feed in there, dirt and hair all over the place etc. The horses are really shedding right now so people need to be more diligent about cleaning up. I noticed one girl starting to bathe her horse yet there were still piles of hair all over the stall. They’ve had a few back-ups from the drains because of clogged hair and dirt. The wash racks have a piece of matt to cover the drain when not needed. Unless you are using water you shouldn’t have the drain exposed, it’s too easy for hay, hair, dirt and other barn debris to get into the drain and clog it. I know a lot of the issue is younger kids that have no idea but where are the parents? Where are the barn owners and employees? I have cleaned up a wash rack before and then right after grooming my horse, double duty but I don’t want to leave it a mess even if the mess was only one 3rd Dani’s mess. If the stall is already wet it’s harder to sweep up the hair but where is a squeegee? I’ve asked for one because you can wet down the matts and get all the hair moved into clumps to clean the stall. The squeegee is missing in action and no one seems to care about the condition of the stalls.

Most of the care (feeding and mucking) is done by boarders to reduce their board fee. Floro is the only groom at the facility. One of the gals that left was irritated that her mare was not kept after when changes in her care were posted. This was a mare that needed to be in a stall at night and had a slow feeder each night instead of being on pasture 24/7. I’ve noticed the blanketing issue that my mare would have the heavy blanket on when not needed, when it was pretty warm etc. It happens sure. I’ve also noticed an injured horse that one of the caretakers did not notice because they were running around trying to feed the 40 or so horses. Granted the wound was covered in mud and harder to see but I am starting to get in the habit of looking at horses legs right after greeting them, I just happened to see it when I was releasing Dani back out to pasture. Perhaps the barn is a bit over extended....

There are piles of muddy manure throughout the various yards, the worst is near the runs for the stalls since they are at the bottom of a slight hill. The grounds need a hefty clean up now that everything is thawed and luckily the mud is slowly drying out.
Sure these are issues I’ve seen but I figure some things like people not cleaning up after themselves is par for the course with a large boarding barn. I may move sometime this year but I’m not set on that just yet. I don’t want to be a barn hopper for Dani’s sake. Rule reminders were sent out to all boarders to sign but apparently some of it has been ignored. Also I do want Dani closer and perhaps further south so there isn’t as cold a winter with snow hanging around making the barn yard such a mud pit. We shall see but for now at least my concerns for Dani’s care are being heard by the owner, with spring coming we'll figure out a good situation for my little mare. Dani is healthy and happy so the rest of this stuff is not something I’m going to worry about too much, I’m just going to keep my options open but I'll keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

L.Williams said...

:( My barn is so far away from my house too and I wish it was closer just so I could see the twerp more often, so I defi hear you on that!