January 27, 2016

Beer Touring

Steve's parents stayed after New Years since they offered to take care of our critters while we attended Marie's wedding.  That also gave us all time to check out some more breweries.

Oi my liver....and yet yum.  There was also another cool flight tray at this brewery!  Lonerider was pretty good too.  Lots of beers I liked so certainly a place we'll have to return.

Steve and his mom.

Mac and I.

New Year's day my brother who only lives 3 hours north of me came down to hang.  We went to Ponysaurus Brewery.  I don't know if I'm liking this one the best so far because of the name, atmosphere or the drinks available but it's a great brewery and I highly recommend it!

Selfie with beer!

Family time is fun even if it means fewer chances to ride the ponies.  The benefit of having them in the back yard will be that I work with them more often.  Here's hoping to good weather and more riding chances!

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