January 14, 2014

A 50 Follower Giveaway

I've noticed that my tiny little blog is at 45 followers!!  Yippee!!  

I'm thinking, as is so often common for bloggers to do, I will to have a horsie give away for when I reach 50 followers on my blog.  

When I reach 50 I'll have a post about it and then give a week for anyone who wants to participate to comment on the post

From those people I will choose the lucky winner of a fun prize.

Come on 50!  


Kalin said...

Congrats on 45!!!!! I just hit 50 awhile back...definitely exciting!

L.Williams said...

Seriously congrats on 45!! :) a giveaway will be fun!

Equine Mum said...

Hey Your blog is Haynets Blog of the Day today! Come and take a look: http://www.hay-net.co.uk/haynet-news/6337/equestrian-blog-of-the-day---can-i-have-a-pony

barb said...

can i follow your blog via email? thanks barbara babscorbitt@gmail.com

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

I have added the following via email option. Don't know if it lets me know that I have a follower though. We'll have to test that!