October 26, 2012

Welcome to Horse Ownership....1st Injury Under my Watch. Uge

So I'm officially a horse owner, I've been Cristened.  Dani had her first injury.  I got a call on Wednesday, the night before I would leave for VA to see my first baby nephew.  The boarding facility said her left high leg was swollen.  When I got to the barn I noticed a patch of fur missing on her hip, like it had been shaved off.
There was another shaved off looking area on her leg and her fetlock was all muddy.  I hosed her leg to clean it and reduce the swelling.  The swelling went down and Dani was a very good girl in the cross ties, I've only had her cross tied once for any period of time.  Also since this was the first time I hosed her down I was impressed how good she was and trusting.  I love her!

So here's her wet leg with the "shaved" spot and a cut.  The gal at the boarding place said if it was her horse she would wait a little before calling a vet.  I agreed since she didn't seem lame or off.

My poor baby.  I left Thursday morning and received updates from the barn.  Later that day they said that she was still swollen and called the vet to come the next day.  Now it's Friday and he's been out.  He says Dani will be fine and that she was slightly lame on the leg at the trot.  She's on butte, antibiotics and has a pressure wrap.  He'll also come out on Monday to check on her. 

I fly home on Tuesday morning. Uge. I hate being away when she's hurt and having the people at the barn deal with her care. They are awesome though!! I'll be getting the bill later so I don't know what the damage is to my pocketbook but this is horse ownership. If it goes above 325 then my insurance policy will kick in. I'm happy to have that as a safety net in case something really bad happens.

Poor Dani is staying in a stall for now but the vet said a small turnout paddock would be good for her.  I told the farm so hopefully she'll get out some.  Colorado is having cold driving weather.  Since she's in the stall and is not clipped I didn't want her overheated with the blanket.  Certain weather will necessitate a blanket like snow, wind and really cold temps.  For the most part I don't think she'll need one as her coat grows in.

Poor Dani.  It's hard being away from her but I know she's in good hands and am glad that I chose this stable.  She was in the pasture but still got looked at closely, it validates my choice a bit.  I've heard that some pasture kept horses can often not receive the same care as a stabled horse.  Anyhow, Steve will be back late this evening so can check on her on Saturday and Sunday morning.  It would have been great if he'd been in the state while I was gone but at least she's doing fine and the vet doesn't think she'll be having issues once she's healed.  Oh the stress!  I was hoping to have a little more time before I had my first horse injury and vet call but alas it's baptism by fire!!!


ninergirl04 said...

OMG, wouldn't you know it would have to happen just when you've planned a trip away? I have recently started to look for my own first horse so am following you with much interest. Hope Dani mends quickly. She looks gorgeous in her blue blanket! Could you possibly tell me the name of your medical insurance carrier? Is the annual premium very costly? Vicki ~

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Sure. My insurance is http://www.jarvisinsurance.com/ I have a policy that my deductible is $325, anything above that cost is reimbursed at 80%. You can get ones that cover 100% of the claim after the deductible I think. I just went with that option for now. The company was recommended by my trainer. My annual was $338. I want to do more research on insurance for next year Oct 2013 forward, I just didn't have the best luck getting information from companies and wanted to get Dani insured asap. Just FYI this little incident has already gone above my deductible!!

Camryn said...

OUCH, poor girl. Has to be even harder for you being so far away. Hope at least that your visit is going well.

Emmi said...

Ooouchy, that looks really painful. Your barn sounds amazing! You made a great choice :)

Reddunappy said...

Gahhhh Looks like she got kicked, was she out with other horses?

ninergirl04 said...

Thanks Christie for the Jarvis insurance info. I'll be doing my research on it. Have something similar for my dog and know that it's something one should have with horse ownership also. Hope the Dani's healing process is going well. Take care!

lilyrose said...

Horses. They always manage to get hurt at the worst possible times. You are fortunate to have her at such a good facility. We have had Jarvis insurance for years. They are the most reasonable for major medical that we have found. Hope your girl heals quickly...and yes havig her moving about in a small paddock is probably the best for her so she won't stiffen up. Enjoy your new nephew!

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Yeah Dani is pasture board with other horses, about 7 I think. Horses will be horses. Hubby saw her today and said she was fiesty as anything!!!