October 11, 2012

Dani's Move to Her New Home

Dani's move happened rather quickly as my time table was an issue with a clinic at Lauries on Saturday the 13th and a visit to my new born nephew coming up later this month.  I wanted to get her moved this weekend if at all possible and not have to take another day off work since I needed my days for vacation etc.  I had to scramble Sunday evening because calls I was waiting for all weekend finally came in that evening. Uge! If it wasn’t for the last minute nothing would ever get done, right?  So I began the coordination for her move.

My friend Uschi was sick all weekend and then had plans for Monday so couldn’t help move Dani. Ushi has a nice trailer and truck. Darn. I called around to various people I knew, left messages for most. I even contacted a colleague who works for the Office of Emergency Management for the county since I knew her daughter has a boarding facility out past Calhan and she coordinates the County Animal Rescue Team….they have many volunteers that helped evacuate large animals during the recent Waldo Canyon Fire.

Anyways, the owner of Dani had a trailer but I knew they weren’t comfortable with me using their truck to haul it. I called a couple co-workers and those who had trucks. Rich was able to haul and after talking with the owner Laura found that it would work out fine with his truck.

Luckily when we arrived Monday morning the trailer was awesome. The trailer was nice, big and open; something very important for a difficult loader.

I got Dani groomed, just a quick brush over concentrating mainly on her legs. I wrapped her legs in polo wraps, the nice green ones I used for Willy. The green halter looked nice on her too. I was thinking I wanted to go blue with her but I think green really is her color!

Rich positioned the trailer where Laurie wanted to work the mare. She started with a sending exercise to get the mare in the frame of mind that she was to work and Laurie was the leader. She spent a total two hours with approach and retreat on the trailer. She brought the mare up to the trailer and let her sniff then she brought her away. Eventually she had the mare place a foot on it and then another. Slowly we got to the point that the mare was walking on perfectly. She didn’t stay on long but would back out and Laurie worked on her backing out slowly and methodically. For a trouble loader she was doing great!

Laurie had me close the door on the next turn but I didn’t know she wanted to tell me once she was in the trailer, she wanted to wait and then have me do it. So I closed it once they were on the trailer and Dani backed out quickly, bumping the door on the way out. I swung it open fast to get out of the way. Oops, communication is key! Oh well, Laurie did some more in and out with the mare and one time she flung her head as she backed out and bopped herself. She didn’t do it too hard, Laurie rubbed her head and she was fine. This was a setback so an hour worth of back and forth with the mare getting on and off we finally decided that she would turn Dani around as I closed the door so she could see that happening. Once the door was latched Dani moved around a lot and neighed like nobody’s business. Laurie got her tied to the front and then we were off.

I think all in all Dani did quite well and we set the ground work for loading. Still a lot more work to be done. Uschi has suggested we bring her trailer over a few times and work the mare. I don’t suggest a 2 hour long training session each time but little steps. Certainly when I get a trailer I will make sure it is very Dani friendly!

I lead the caravan, me in the lead, Rich with the trailer in the middle and Laurie as the end. We drove down 83 at a snail’s pace, I tried to keep Rich a decent distance behind me and match his speed. Approximately 10 miles down the road we arrived at Whispering Winds Farm, with a sigh of relief.

Dani unloaded calmly and then I led her to her new stall for the time being. Liz was there to greet me and answer questions. We got Dani situated and then care instructions written up. She told me to make a little placard for Dani that stated her feeding and turnout requirements. For now there is no turnout. She is next to a mare that is in during the night, her name is Breezy and she’s a sweet mare that Dani will eventually be turned out with.

 I cleaned out the trailer, introduced myself to the manure pile at the barn (LOL) and bid Laurie farewell with much thanks. I think the work she did was well worth the time and expense to get Dani here safely and the beginning training with the trailer will hopefully continue during her next lesson. I helped Rich drop of the trailer back at Laura’s. He headed home, I headed for lunch.

I came back later to groom Dani and then walk her about the property, allowing her to graze on some of the grasses. She was full of whinnies wondering where she was and where her two horse friends were. I felt bad and stroked her and talked with her. It will take some time to settle in but she’s here and she’s safe. Horse ownership starts NOW!


Camryn said...

WooHooo, doesn't it feel both terrifying and wonderful exciting all at the same time :)

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Yes, very much soo!! LOL

Reddunappy said...

:o) "Big smile"

lilyrose said...

How exciting! You really have a pony!!! :)