January 18, 2013

Bridle Fitting....NOT Bridal Fitting!!

Steve came with me to the barn tonight after we picked up my car from the shop.  It was in serious need of struts/shocks.  I can't tell you how smooth the ride is now!  Wow!  Must be like going from a rough trotting horse to a smooth gaited Peruvian Paso!!  The bumpy drive to the barn was a piece of cake tonight!
 Dani received a new bridle made by Tekna today.  It fits her much better than the other two I had tried out.  I was thinking of taking a ride tonight but when we got to the barn it was busy as ever.  The two wash racks were booked and we ended up trying to get some grooming done near Rohan's stall.  He's the gorgeous Friesian that likes Dani but she was squealing and tossing her head at the black beauty, she wanted nothing to do with him!!  It also took way longer than expected to get the bridle adjusted just right and I'm still not 100% sure about its fit.  I moved the nose band up, then the bit straps, then the nose band again....uge.
She was so good about all the adjustments we were making, Steve on one side, me on the other.  We did it slowly since the synthetic material was very stiff and we didn't want to hurt or scare the baby.  She was patient but though she tossed her head a few times in irritation, what can I expect? I'm not entirely comfortable with all the adjustments, it seems the bit is a little low, maybe, maybe not.  She seems comfortable when I pulled the bit up a bit to get those "wrinkles" on the side of the mouth "they" suggest, it just didn't seem to work well for her.  We'll play with it and see how it goes.  Still, she looks so pretty in her new bridle!  I had her bend her neck to the left and right with a little pressure on the reins, she still needs to get used to this bit since her last owner rode her in a curb.
I didn't have the time to ride and I was freezing cold; combined with a frozen husband we ended the evening around 7:30pm to head home.  Even though the days had warmed up it was still pretty cold in the barn at night and I hadn't dressed smartly; I'm so ready for spring already!  My fault of course!  I need to come with layers!  Oh well, tomorrow and this three day weekend coming up will give me plenty of time to do some horse activity with my girl.  The weather will be in the 40-50s which is a heat wave compared to the temperatures we've had lately. 
I have a lesson scheduled with Laurie in the next week to begin learning how to soften Dani under saddle and begin working with her in that regard.  I'm nervous and excited, she is one of the most beautiful and sweet horses I've known but I think I'm a bit biased!  I want to be comfortable riding her like I did with Willy, even when I had set backs with him I could keep going forward.  I'll get there with her!!!

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