December 12, 2012

Time Constraints and Nerves

I’ve had my mare for two months now and have not been on her back since I first gave her a trial and rode her during Laurie’s evaluation.  Yes, I finally have a saddle, purchased a little over two weeks ago and yet I have done no more then set the saddle on her, cinch it up and check its fit.  I will admit I am nervous about riding her for sure.  Before purchasing her I had three falls that scared me to death.  There are a lot of other factors recently that have prevented me from going out to the stable much and of course I haven’t had a good slot of time that has enabled me to ride. 

The week after I purchased the saddle I went out to check on how it fit and realized that I needed a longer girth.  So I spent one evening after work going to Dover to get the right girth.  That was pretty much my whole evening so I was only able to drop off the new girth and pet Dani in the field.  The next day I tried on the girth.  Then I got the bridle and found it way too big with no way to make it smaller.  I had to go home to switch out for my cob sized bridle.  That evening I spent time adjusting and walking Dani around with the saddle on to check the fit. 

The weekend of December 1st I had some obligations with my husband; we looked at a truck (we’ve been in need of a second vehicle since June when Steve’s car died).  Luckily with Steve traveling he never really needed a car but we’ve borrowed my parents extra car for times he was home and I had gotten to the point that I felt we’d over used the privilege.  I wanted to get the spare car back to my parents.  We found a great truck, under the Kelley Blue Book and then the next couple evenings during the following week I worked with the bank to get the loan.  Then I had a weird head thing, my hearing was off and I was a bit dizzy.  No help from the doctors either.  I certainly was not going to ride like that!

This past Saturday we finally purchased the truck and dropped it at the mechanics to get some items taken care of, we also had our Christmas party so between all of that I had no time to even see Dani, let alone ride her.  Lately I’ve just had a ton of errands to run with getting ready for the holidays and getting ready to have house guests again.

Yesterday I had to run a ton of errands and was only able to see Dani to take care of her hooves and put on a warmer blanket due to the snow.  Today I will see her for a decent amount of time but tomorrow, Steve’s work party is going on and then Thursday we have to run the car back up to my parents who live an hour away.  Steve’s parents will be coming in sometime the end of this week but they are not needy so I know I can get away after work and weekend mornings to see Dani.  Steve’s daughter will be in from the 22nd until nearly the end of the year, I won’t have much time while she’s here to spend quality time with Dani since I want to spend quality time with Steve’s daughter!

It’s unending but I guess that’s this time of the year.  I know Dani is doing fine; I am dying to have a consistent schedule to see her, do the Clinton Anderson stuff and actually ride my beautiful Morgan.  I don’t feel that the lack of training or riding the past month is really going to affect her adversely.  Though it is making me wonder if it would be a good idea to do a partial lease on her for someone who could ride her during the week, during the day.  Hmm….not sure how I feel about that thought.


AmberRose- Girl With a Dream said...

wow it sounds like you guys have a lot going on it the mminute, this time of the year is so busy and can make our horse time less. Why don't you take Steve's daughter to see your horse with you she might enjoy that?

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Oh we definitely will. She took some lessons a year or two back so she may even want to take a little ride on her. We'll see.

S. Lauren said...

I hate it when there is never enough time to do things!

Mare said...

Leasing is horrifically stressful. IMO.

Ruth said...

OMG! I just hate it when there is so much to do that there is no riding time left.
Fingers crossed you get to ride her soon :)

T said...

I went through a bit of this with one of mine a couple of years ago. Not sure if this helps, but I ended up just having the trainer ride her once a week and booking a lesson for myself once a week. I found it helped me to have that schedule and kept me motivated to ride and improve- also I found the trainer would help push me out of my comfort zone a little until I got some confidence back. At least for me, just getting out and riding on a regular schedule helps - if I take time off for whatever reason the nerves can try to make a comeback :) Don't worry too much about giving her time off while you're so busy - mine always seem to have a christmas vacation whether I plan it or not...Love your blog!

Marissa said...

You know it's funny, if I'm out working and stuff I have no problem making it to the barn. But the days I'm off and get to sleep in, I have a much harder time motivating myself! Once I get out there, I enjoy it!!

I would definitely suggest you ride her soon though, I think sometimes nerves can get the best of you and evolve into a bigger issue... Just start getting on her bareback even and walking around! It will definitely build confidence.

The only thing that concerns me is that if she was being ridden regularly before you bought her, she might be a little different after not being ridden for a month! But don't let that scare you!