Steve and I went to Estes park today to watch an Arabian Horse Association show. We met up with my childhood (and adult LOL) friend Jessica and her husband Kevin up there. It was fun to reminisce about horseback riding lessons as kids and try to determine which horses should place in each class. We were about correct about fifty percent of the time. Some classes we knew nothing about, aka Western Pleasure, and others, like Hunt seat we sort of knew about but not exactly what the judges were looking for. It was a pretty nice day, sunny...yep very sunny, so sunny I look like a lobster now despite putting on sunscreen. Uge. Oh well, bye bye farmers tan at least!
So, Without further ado, I figured this post will be mostly pictures of the pretty Arabs and part Arabs we saw.
What a sweet face! |
Might we say Sabino gene? I would think so! I am starting to really like Sabino in a purebred Arab though there is debate about if it is truly a purebred. I think it's pretty and don't mind if my future horse is not "pure" that leg marking was quite neat! |
Look, he's smiling! |
Horse and rider so have the same facial expression here! Awesome! |
Looks like a blinged out loose ring snaffle? |
This horse won a lot of first places in western pleasure. I honestly don't get western pleasure since a lot of the gaits just look like "hobbling" to me. But he was a very pretty horse!
Awe! |
Awe again! |
Never seen a western side saddle! This was pretty cool! |
So there's a few of the pics. Fun show but certainly not as busy at the Scottsdale Arabian show Steve and I went to in 2007. I so want to go back sometime to see that show again! Anyhow, I think Steve and I will have to venture to some other shows, even if they aren't purely Arabian shows. We missed the dressage and jumping that they had on Friday...we'll have to go to a more local show sometime that has those events. Long day but full of pretty horses to google at and be in awe over. A Saturday well spent I think!
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