It's a bummer when you have been looking for another horse that's a less common breed and there are few in your state for sale thus far and then you finally find one with the mind you like and a personality that makes you just want to snuggle on the sofa with him and eat cookies....then something comes up on the vet exam you can't take a risk on so you have to pass. Ugh.
Just gotta post my lovely mare here to make me happy in this bummer moment. It's not the end of the world. I had a couple "almost the right horse" moments before I found Daenerys (and she wasn't even the top breed I was looking for at the time!). And I'm certainly not looking for perfect, she isn't....but darn close! LOL.
Look at that muddy awkward stance/picture angle on a slope photo of her! Isn't she wonderful! I love my old mare, scars, flaws, attitude and all. I hope this weekend is good weather since I need to get a nice pony ride in to remind myself that I have a wonderful horse, two actually Chance is a grumpy old man but he can be a sweetie too.
I'm just adding a younger one to the herd and that will happen when it does! I shan't fret!