While working on the barn wiring Steve and I have noticed that we hear a really load trilling sounds sometimes. I've identified the call to a tree frog called Copes Gray Tree Frog. Lo and behold one evening we heard the sound not up in the barn roofing but near the water trough. There there were two tree frogs handing out on the rim! So cute!
I knew that there was a build up of gunk in the troughs even though I scrubbed them and refilled them weekly. It builds up so fast and sometimes no amount of scrubbing work will reduce that thick layer bio-film. I would only scrap the surface with my scrub brush, it was frustrating.
So I took out our power washer and spent a hot day powering through all that gunk; soaking myself in the process but I didn't mind. It working like a charm. I'll still scrub every week but will most likely have to do a deep cleaning on a more regular basis. I've also gotten some apple cider vinegar to add to the tanks again so help reduce the rate of growth; I'm only adding a cup per filling and we'll see how that goes.
The scum builds up pretty fast with the heat and humidity but at least the power washer makes the trough look almost new. I'm sure the horses don't care either way as long as the water is clean and fresh but come on....frogs were starting to like it so they were well overdue for a good cleaning. Yuck...so embarrassed to post this!
Just look at it now, brand spanking new and shiny looking! The frogs have since moved on but water beetles continually like to inhabit the trough within a day or so. Luckily I've yet to see mosquito larvae so my weekly dump and scrubbing prevents that issue. A power washer is such a great investment. I've got another power washer post coming up!