January 04, 2019

2019 and Ponies

2019 was a bust for riding with my neck surgery but I'm hoping this year things will go a little smoother.  Currently it's been raining cats and dogs for weeks straight it seems and the barn area is a complete swamp.  I need to get both horses with my riding instructor for some tune ups maybe so I can feel confident about getting back in the saddle after so much time off.

Health wise though, they are doing well and so am I.  Hubby and I have continual projects around the house and the New Year has started out with getting things organized in the house plus getting quotes for things we want done in the house or around the property.

Here's too 2019!


Mrs Shoes said...

Happy New Year Christie!

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Thank you! Same to you and yours!

L.Williams said...

Happy New Year! I hope things smooth out for you!