Well last year started with a bang! I bought a horse trailer!!! It was exactly what I wanted, a bumper pull, 3 horse slant with a tack room in the front. It needed some work to meet my expectations but I wasn't afraid of that.

Also in January I continued to work on slow feeder for Dani's trough. Eventually I moved onto slow feeder nets and loved them and it was great having Dani be able to "graze" most of her time in the smaller stall area.

February was lots of cold weather as seems to be typical in Colorado. We only whipped out the blanket a few times, Dani is pretty darn tough.

We also had L come to the KCRC barn with her 6 horses new friends. It was great to have friends for Dani and to see another human being at the barn! Still the evenings were dark and there was very little time to ride except on the weekend.

At the evenings grew a little lighter I had time to play with Dani on desensitizing with found objects. She's such a sensible horse and I think continuing this effort will have great pay offs.
At the evenings grew a little lighter I had time to play with Dani on desensitizing with found objects. She's such a sensible horse and I think continuing this effort will have great pay offs.

Steve and I attended the Mane event for the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. Lots of cute pony fun there. The rest of March I spent planning my parents 40th Anniversary which we hosted at the KCRC club house.
In April my dirty pony really needed a bath but instead we just got in some refresher rides with trot and working on mounting techniques.

I did some fetlock trimming as the barn was very muddy and shorter hairs would be best. She's pretty good about it so I am happy about that!

In May Dani had an odd leg swelling. We had the vet wrap her leg and it went down but there will always be a bump. We are pretty sure she bumped her leg on the fencing as she kicked out at a neighboring horse.

Steve and I began stripping down the trailer on the warmer days to begin the process of rust treatment and painting. We sure had a lot of work cut out for us!

My friends son, Liam, had his birthday party at the KCRC club house. It was batman themed with pony rides. LOL. I think the kids had fun. My friend Michael had a pony ride too. I'd never known that was her first ride on a horse ever!

In May Dani had an odd leg swelling. We had the vet wrap her leg and it went down but there will always be a bump. We are pretty sure she bumped her leg on the fencing as she kicked out at a neighboring horse.

Steve and I began stripping down the trailer on the warmer days to begin the process of rust treatment and painting. We sure had a lot of work cut out for us!

My friends son, Liam, had his birthday party at the KCRC club house. It was batman themed with pony rides. LOL. I think the kids had fun. My friend Michael had a pony ride too. I'd never known that was her first ride on a horse ever!

June saw lots of trailer work. I started with conversion of rust and then began painting. The spray painting gun didn't work so well, user error I"m sure so I ended up using rollers to paint.

KCRC hosted an EXCA (Extreme Cowboy Association) clinic at the grounds. Dani and I joined to learn more about EXCA and the obstacles you encounter. She was a really good girl. The only thing was sidling up to a block to dismount onto.

KCRC hosted an EXCA (Extreme Cowboy Association) clinic at the grounds. Dani and I joined to learn more about EXCA and the obstacles you encounter. She was a really good girl. The only thing was sidling up to a block to dismount onto.
Weather prevented a fun day on horseback at KCRC for July 4th, I was bummed since it's fun to do things with the club. We also got in lots more work on the trailer when the days were nice. Steve's parents were in town to visit for a month or so and we had Cierra out for a week so we spent lots of cherished family time up in Durango. I also worked on getting Dani into trailer loading mode with L.

The move to the new barn was uneventful and Dani settled in right away. Because of the lush grass and her easy keeper status a grazing muzzle was on order.

Luckily we didn't have too many issues with that though I'm sure she disliked her muzzle.

We installed new trailer flooring. It wasn't really too hard, I was relieved and got a good look at the frame and treated areas that needed rust treatment.

Dani then came up with pony hoof clip injury. The flap kept getting grass caught in it so we had the vet come out and they told us what wrap to use with DMSO and Furizone. Dani hated having her leg wrapped and unwrapped. It was a struggle but after a few days we were able to keep her leg open to the air and she healed right up.

The move to the new barn was uneventful and Dani settled in right away. Because of the lush grass and her easy keeper status a grazing muzzle was on order.
Luckily we didn't have too many issues with that though I'm sure she disliked her muzzle.

We installed new trailer flooring. It wasn't really too hard, I was relieved and got a good look at the frame and treated areas that needed rust treatment.

Dani then came up with pony hoof clip injury. The flap kept getting grass caught in it so we had the vet come out and they told us what wrap to use with DMSO and Furizone. Dani hated having her leg wrapped and unwrapped. It was a struggle but after a few days we were able to keep her leg open to the air and she healed right up.

In September I discovered bots on Dani's legs and sides. That was a first. I became very familiar with a bot stone! Steve and I spent a long weekend in San Francisco. Then we spent time finishing of the tack room of the trailer and finally getting the trailer to the barn. Dani had a minor colic episode, mainly seemed to be just gas discomfort. Luckily she was fine. It was a sudden change in weather and barometric pressure too. Phew!

In September I discovered bots on Dani's legs and sides. That was a first. I became very familiar with a bot stone! Steve and I spent a long weekend in San Francisco. Then we spent time finishing of the tack room of the trailer and finally getting the trailer to the barn. Dani had a minor colic episode, mainly seemed to be just gas discomfort. Luckily she was fine. It was a sudden change in weather and barometric pressure too. Phew!

I began working on the horse area of the trailer, rust treatment and painting. I did get some rides in and also too Dani for walk to the high school across the street.

I discover some odd mud looking crusts on Dani's rear legs. It is apparently scratches. I treat her legs with Shapley's MTG which has sulfur in it. Eventually it clears up. I now have powdered sulfur, animal feed grade, and some oil so that if she has this start again I have a more concentrated tool. It can also be used as a prevention.

Julie Goodnight mentions my post on her Facebook page!! The posts sky rocket on October 29th!!

I began working on the horse area of the trailer, rust treatment and painting. I did get some rides in and also too Dani for walk to the high school across the street.

I discover some odd mud looking crusts on Dani's rear legs. It is apparently scratches. I treat her legs with Shapley's MTG which has sulfur in it. Eventually it clears up. I now have powdered sulfur, animal feed grade, and some oil so that if she has this start again I have a more concentrated tool. It can also be used as a prevention.

Julie Goodnight mentions my post on her Facebook page!! The posts sky rocket on October 29th!!

I take a jiggy ride near high school with Scotty and M. For the most part Dani does good she was just excited and I think I was tense. More to work on. I discover a missing chunk in mane from Dani rubbing the fence, ugh, her mane is so beautiful!!! Steve and I spend Thanksgiving in Mrytle Beach with family and have a great time though I miss the pony.

I come back from South Carolina and have her hooves trimmed and her annual dentist visit. Both horse people mention the swelling of old injury seems a little more so I decide to paultice it overnight. She actually did really well with me paulticeing and wrapping.

Since it's dark as night when I get off work I can't do much at the barn during the week. On the weekends I hope for nice weather so I can play with my mare. We've had a few nice relaxing rides at least.

I come back from South Carolina and have her hooves trimmed and her annual dentist visit. Both horse people mention the swelling of old injury seems a little more so I decide to paultice it overnight. She actually did really well with me paulticeing and wrapping.

Since it's dark as night when I get off work I can't do much at the barn during the week. On the weekends I hope for nice weather so I can play with my mare. We've had a few nice relaxing rides at least.

We plan to ride more regularly and also to begin some serious trailer training to get this girl out to some events and trail rides. See you this year!!!
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