It's been so windy lately! Out at the barn there is no place to hide from it either. How I miss an indoor arena. I've mostly been going out to care for Daenerys, letting her graze in the yard for about an hour and bringing her back in for her dinner. She doesn't mind not being worked.
This week she is on her monthly sand colic purge. I use Sand Clear but the crumbles don't seem to be as palatable to Dani as they've been in the past. I want her to get the full serving and benefit. I added some grass hay pellets to help her ingest more of the Sand Clear since she doesn't get enough supplement to really mix in the Sand Clear but it's not really doing the trick though, she still leaves a lot of the crumbles. I'm thinking of trying a new brand and a more pelleted form....any suggestions?
I get her supplements from SmartPak, here are the other possibilities that are reasonably priced.....

This weekend the hubby and I have to work on our backyard fence before another section blows down and breaks. I figure it's best to be preemptive about this kind of thing. That unfortunately means less time with pony and less time to work on the trailer. Now that the weather is warmer we will begin on the roof of the trailer and get things sanded and sealed well. More to come on that once we get our supplies and find a Saturday where we can get some work done!
I also want to set the trailer up in a place where I can begin working on loading regularly with Dani. We'll set it up on blocks so it's secure without being hooked to a tow vehicle. Lots to do and not enough time to do it! Hopefully the warmer temperatures sans wind will come back soon and we can get cracking!
Crazy windy here too.
We use Sand Clear with about a cup equine senior and about 1/4 cup brown sugar. They say YUM!
From reading your blog I've learned that Colorado has some of the most hardcore weather in the nation. I can handle Seattle's nonstop drizzle and nearly-always-grey sky, but I couldn't deal with my hay blowing out of the paddock into the hills. Even Germany seems mild in comparison to Colorado.
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