It's been darn cold in Colorado! Negative 12 at night, single digits during the day. Usually Colorado has pretty mild winters in my opinion. We'll get cold spells and snow but then plenty of days in the 30-40's...even in the 50's! I've had to drive into work on the slick icy roads while friends that work in schools have had several snow days....Grrr!
Dani doesn't mind the snow so much. I think I the blanket has been good because of the wind and the sudden drop in temperatures. David has been blanketing his mares but other horses at KCRC aren't blanketed. I wonder if I'm just over protective..... She hasn't been sweating under the blanket so that's fine. With her blanket and under blanket she has about 400 grams of warmth. That's the Rambo Duo. I'm getting a new under layer soon, one that is only 100 grams so I can blanket her at 100, 200 or 400. I don't think I'll need anything else....those blanket weights will cover us for most temperatures.

I've only blanketed Dani one other time this year so far, it was right before Thanksgiving I think. Snowy and windy....I would have liked to have used a lighter weight but didn't have the 100 under blanket yet. She's been doing great though. Much more fuzzy than she was last year. I'm letting her fetlocks grow out of course, she gets little feathers in the winter.

I haven't been able to ride or work her much since I don't feel it's safe with the ground as it is. While cleaning and feeding I've let her out for some turn out. She's had some naked time too so she can roll in the snow some and I can check her blanket isn't rubbing. Thank goodness static guard doesn't freeze. I was going to spray a light mist of the coat conditioner on her and the inside of her blanket to reduce the static but that was frozen solid!!
Winter always has it's challenges. The frozen manure or poopsicles are harder to find in the ground and harder to get up. Urination freezes and can make clumps too so sometimes I feel like what I toss in the wheel barrow isn't necessarily what I really mean to throw away. I do the best I can to get the hard, round poop balls out of her pen so my lady doesn't twist her ankle. So I don't twist mine for that matter!
My water heater and filter is working well and keeping the ice off the water. I've been adding salt to her supplements to make sure she drinks enough water. Seems to be doing her good as her water level is going down like it usually does each day, perhaps a little less.
It's supposed to warm up later this week. I'm so looking forward to that and I'm sure Dani will love having the blanket off for a while. I'm definitely missing the indoor arena now but who knows. I may have still been a wuss and not ridden even with access to the inside riding area. At least the days will start getting longer here in a bit, December 21st!! I want to get back in the saddle and work on more trotting. I've been having so much fun! Last time was right after Thanksgiving I think...feels so long ago. Snow makes time pass slower, I truly believe that!
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