November 14, 2012

Steve, Dani and Rambo

We had some pretty cold weather this weekend for this time of year; along with wind and some precipitation so we felt it good to blanket Dani, at least in just the outer part of the blanket that has 100 fill. 
I've been checking her daily to see that her leg is doing well having the big huge field to play in, so far so good....knock on wood!  We were running some errands so Steve and I swung by to check on Dani and make sure the blanket wasn't rubbing her since she would need to wear it one more night.

I had Steve put on the blanket, it'd been a while since he put a blanket on a horse so I reminded him of the order for putting on and taking off said blanket.  To put on one should always start with the front clips.  If the horse spooks they have less a chance of getting tangled with these being the only straps secured.

Then I had Steve do the "surcingles" that go below her belly.  I do the middle strap and then have the outside straps crossed over each other.  So the front outside strap would go under her belly and secure to the rear outside clip.  The rear outside strap would go under her belly and secure to the front outside clip.
 This is just how I've learned to blanket a horse, I'm sure the belly straps can be done differently and there is no issue.  The main thing is that you want to make sure the blanket is snug but not restricting.  This blanket doesn't have back leg straps so we don't have to worry about those.  We just make sure her tail is over the "butt loop". 
What I like about the Rambo is the butt strap has a plastic sheath over it so you just have to wipe clean any manure that collects.  Very nice!!  Fancy butt strap or not, ponies always look sooo cute in their blankets!!


lytha said...

i have the cheaper version, the amigo, made by the same company, but that butt strap is NOT coated in anything and it is a poop strap and it's just awful. what on earth was wrong with the leg straps crossing? yours rocks.

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Thanks I like it. The Amigos were nice too but I had difficulty with the snaps on the one I looked at.

What do you mean about the leg straps crossing?? This one does have those though ones in the past I"ve put on horses do, I don't see anything wrong with leg straps...this one just doesn't have them/