In January we had a couple icy days where it was mostly sleet or freezing rain. This makes our driveway a perfect sledding hill!
Sledding on the driveway! This time with a proper sled that I use to lug horse hay onto the track for the horses.
Now the virtual experience.....
The really cold weather and freezing precipitation makes picking up around the barn nearly impossible. The poop is turned immediately to poopsicles.
The horses don't seem to mind, once the rain is done they can be naked again and go on about their routines.
February 19th we had a really nice snow.
There was no sleet or freezing rain so the snow was actually nice and fluffy!
Daenerys and Seamus....apparently shelter is not something they desire right now.
Chance doesn't seem to care about shelter either....

We didn't get to sled since it was pretty cold and we had also received 3 pallets of wood flooring we had to move into the house and garage. We were exhausted. I spent some breaks just watching the fluffy snow fall.
This snow made me think about Colorado and the beautiful snows at my parents house, even during the torrid times near the end of my dad's life (unbeknownst to us all) My aunt Keri calls the big fluffy snows a "Jack snow". She wanted to see him as much as she could in the hospital and was always worried a snow storm would prevent her from making it from Larkspur to Castlerock's hospital. The day after he died it snowed 14 inches, and was a big fluffy snow. She called it a Jack snow since it had held out until she was back at the house safe and sound.
This snow today in North Carolina was a Jack (Dad) snow. Made me think about my dad and my mom. I miss Colorado but also realize, I've gotten used to the mild climate here in NC! Not the summers yet though!
Still it's so nice to have the occasional snow like this to stay inside and think of how fortunate I am in this life.
Stay warm!!