I've wanted a horse since I was a little girl. After only a few months of horse shopping I found my cute mare Daenerys (Dani) in 2012. Then in 2015 we moved from CO to NC and bought horse property. We now have Chance a sweet Arabian gelding. Then in 2022 I bought a younger and gaited horse, Kentucky Mountain horse, named Seamus. This is the story of my continuing adventure in the world of horses in my backyard.
October 13, 2023
The Mane Event
August 21, 2023
Obstacle Clinic at Stable Relationships
August 17, 2023
Redoing Electric-2023
August 15, 2023
Posts in the Queue
I have so many posts in the queue right now it's ridiculous. I just have not had the time to write or when I have had the time I've been exhausted and not wanted to write.
Since I got Seamus I've taken him to a couple different places, the first big one was outside of Chattanooga TN for an Ivy Starnes gaited horse clinic. I got recordings of my three 1-hour slots of time where she worked with Seamus on gaiting. He was already a good gaited horse but speed and his bit change was causing a disconnect with the two of us. Basically his previous owners had the typical gaited horse Wonder Bit which is a gag bit that exerts a lot more pressure than the snaffle. I was trying to work in a snaffle and under saddle Seamus was picking up speed and getting into a trot. I will need to review those videos and I can get some snippets of video and still and do an entire post or two on the clinic. It was awesome! I have a lot of work to do with him still and the heat wave the past month has really put a damper on working with him.
Ivy riding Seamus on Day One at the gaited clinic |
I went to an obstacle clinic with him locally and that was awesome...he was great and chill. I am starting to get some issues with loading him on the trailer though so I need to work on that. I know the issue is most likely me since I'm a newbie trailer loader and I need some guidance. As a single horse in a two horse trailer I have been loading him on the wrong side....that's what happens when you are a newbie, oops! Glad the trainer pointed it out at the obstacle clinic. I'm always hoping to learn and not sure where I went wrong with that but moving forward I know now! Maybe I read something in a UK horse page about which side to have a single horse on...that would make sense.
The heat has prevented a lot of riding recently since my horses are miserable and I've also had to deal with Chances multitudes of health issues (heaves, PSLD, rain rot easily from sweat, Cushings) and then Dani had a slight tenderness issue due to grass on the track system; I've been trying to get it to dirt but the grass is persistent. She can't be on it even with a muzzle, and it nearly moved to nothing....so barnyard area it is..... Chance has been losing weight yet refusing extra feed but we finally found a feed I can feed less of and it's higher in fat and other calories plus we are having him on grass in the evenings to help. I still see ribs but hoping that it's making an impact. A bad shave job I gave him to keep him cool exaggerated his skeletal look, my pet sitter gave me heck over the terrible trim... Poor guy we are trying! Old horses are not for the faint of heart! The struggle is real and it can be frustrating to manage them but as long as they have a quality life I will fork over the money for the meds and try different feeds or supplements and refence my property to make managing their different needs easier..... I juggle horses, it's what I do.
Seamus and I have had a few "discussions" about who the boss is rather recently and there have been a couple times lunging that I was a pretty nervous about his intentions. I had tried the a stick with a flag instead of a stick and string and perhaps I'm not working it right but it escalated his temper. I have since done some small ground work sessions and he's been his chill self. He can be pushy and mouthy if you let him; just like Dani in the beginning. I have to remember she wasn't always so "Yes Ma'am" with me, we had to build that relationship. This weekend I'll try lunging again and get our conversation going where I want it too. I'm also trying to get a trainer here to help us with trailer loading since once the weather cools I have a couple more clinics I want to go to locally. The obstacle clinic I went to was awesome and that barn will most likely host more once it's cooler. The June 24th clinic was really hot so that was the last one they held.
We've also been working on the electric in the barn and Steve's workshop (our shed is being converted). This has taken a lot of Steve's time and my help. We were without power out there since November of 2022 and now we have power so we are pleased to have lights again and the horses are loving having the fans in this heat.
We've had a lot going on and I have posts galore waiting to be typed and pics to be added. I've just not done it! So I'm going to try and get posts out. It may not be sequential since I'll work on the low hanging fruit posts, simple, less contemplation needed, type of posts first. With the August misery setting in I may find more time being inside since even mowing the pastures doesn't go well in this heat.
Hope you are staying cool as you can in this heat. Wishing all the ponies and their humans fun days ahead!
August 06, 2023
April 23, 2023
April 16, 2023
April 15, 2023
Saddle Fitting, Riding Lesson and Ground Work Beginnings
Seamus and I's first trip together was to Hillsborough, NC to the Rockin B Saddle Shop, this would have been the first weekend in March!!! Wow I'm a bad blogger!
The saddle shop is about 30 minutes from our house. I've gone there before when I needed them to adjust Dani's saddle....the fenders actually. I have short legs and arms compared to my height, others of the same height tend to have longer appendages, I just have a longer torso....fun. Normal stirrup fenders tend to be too long for me. I also add stirrup turners which puts the stirrups perpendicular to the fenders which easier on the knee but this adds a few inches of length to the fenders.
Seamus was a good loader and unloader; a little quick at unloading but we'll work on that as some point. I tied him to the trailer with a hay net and then went into the shop to view the saddles I'd discussed with the owner. He had hybrid saddles, part leather part synthetic that I was interested in seeing. The brand is High Horse which is made by Circle Y. Dani's saddle is Circle Y and I've loved it so I felt comfortable looking at these saddles.
We went out to look at Seamus first and the saddle fitter brought a couple trees out and some cardboard to get measurements. Seamus was a good boy through this whole thing. I went back into the shop and then sat on a couple saddles. I chose one and then we went out to Seamus to fit it. I already had a nice felt rounded pad to us for him so we put that on and then adjusted the saddle. The saddle had very different rigging than I'm used to. You don't need a back cinch since the ring is angled so you loop the latigo through it in a Y shape. We also used the rear part of the front ring to bring the pressure off the shoulder due to his conformation and gaited way of going.
I then got him ready to ride and we went into the arena to ride. Seamus started with a nice gait and I was thrilled. I had him in a snaffle though and as he sped up and became bumpy I had trouble getting him back into the gait. We'll work on that though. I was satisfied with the purchase and thanked the saddle fitter The Rockin B Saddle Shop is awesome, family owned by a nice older couple. The man is retiring but his son is taking over so it's great to know that this place will be a place to go to for years to come I hope!
The following day I worked with Seamus in the pasture. We worked on softening his contact with the bit and lowering his head at the walk for relaxation. I've been following Ivy Starnes the gaited horse trainer on You Tube and have some of her DVD's in addition to being a member of the training group she has on Facebook. I've learned a lot but in application it can be a bit hard to do when you are just learning with a new horse. The concept is similar to stuff I have learned in the past but Seamus is a younger horse that is going from a harsh gag bit to a soft sample. I went to her clinic in Tennessee end of March so I'll have a couple posts about that and probably share some of the videos too!
The following weekend I had a lesson at Mountain View Farms in Bahama with Erin who has worked with my other horses, before the pandemic. She's very busy getting ready for show season so I was happy to meet up with her. It was a short haul to her farm but Seamus did well. A little hesitation on the load...we are still getting used to each other and I'm still new to trailering horses. The parking was tight at her barn but we got in and I got Seamus tacked up. We started with some groundwork, and honestly...this boy needs it. Erin said he was difficult to turn clockwise. I'd noted that myself when lunging him. She showed me some tricks to better communicate with him. He probably had not had much ground work done with him. It was a good lesson and I have some things to work on with him.
March 20, 2023
Old post I never posted- Getting Dani up to Snuff Again
This is an OLD POST I never posted.....it should read months ago I began working with Dani
A few weeks months ago I began working with Dani on the lungeline. She's not had the attitude I expected after so much time off. She was great honestly and listened well and was calm.
I made sure the get her tack fitted right, wasn't sure if the girths I had would still fit since she's gone up and then down in weight. The stirrups had been adjusted for me by a tack fitter since they'd always been so long and I need them fairly short to fit my short legs.
I added my stirrup turners again even though the tack guy had twisted the leather to turn the stirrups it still hurt my knees a bit. I got everything set with the tack and continued some ground work with Dani including getting her to come up to the mounting block which she was a good about.
The next time I went out to work with her I did only a little bit of ground work to check on her mindset and then I got up on her and rode around the barn. We worked on some bends and turns and halts, nothing crazy. She enjoyed it, at least it seemed like she did. She likes being engaged and being with her human.
Another ride we went out to our little culdesac road and road up and down a bit. We had Steve and Chance with us and our older dog. Chance was really excited to be out and about and was prancing a bit in hand with Steve. Then Chance spooked at our dog and blowing and snorting in the air. Silly Arabian! Dani just looked at them with curiosity.
I'm happy that Dani retains what she learned and that even with over year off she is just about the same horse under saddle. She's by no means perfect and there are things we can and will work on. I still don't really see her going on long trail rides with me for several reasons.
- The trailering issues, I'd need to put a lot of work into getting her on the trailer and consistently too. It's been about 7 years since she was last on a trailer.
- Her tender feet, how long can she last being ridden in boots on a rocky trail? Could she be prone to injury more easily? Then what do I do miles away from home?
- If I take her out and about Chance will be left alone at the barn and he'll get upset like he does with her just down the road. I can't leave him like that for a whole day!
Since I'm looking for a third horse it makes sense to get a younger horse I can work with and go to training and clinics and do some trail riding when we are ready. I'll have two horses that can stay home, content to chill and be ridden (Dani at least) around the property and neighborhood. It doesn't make sense to me to get an older companion horse while I try and take Dani places to ride with the issues stated above.
Can you tell I'm still conflicted though? She has such a great mind and is such a sweet horse. I love her so much. How did I find such a great horse for so cheap 10 years ago?
When I look at the horses advertised now with harsh bits and minimal training and a huge price tag I'm really shocked. I don't have a deadline to find a new horse and now that Dani is back under saddle and her feet are doing well so happy I can play with her. She's a great friend to spend time with, my future of horsing where I go out and about like I've wanted will come and I will be ready when it does! I'm so happy to be riding my Daenerys again. She's such a good horse!